Friday, October 26, 2012

Chocolate Velvet Cake Pop (home made)


2 Cup of purpose flour
2 Cup of sugar
2 Tbs of cocoa powder
1/3 Cup of warm coffee
3 Eggs yolk
1 Tsp of baking powder
1 Tsp of baking soda
1 Tsp white vinegar (mix with vinegar)
1/2 Cup of Veggie oil
1 Cup of milk
2 -3 Tbs of melted butter (mix with the milk)
1 - 2 Tbs of vanilla
1 tbs red food coloring
Mix the dry ingredient , flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder. (shifted if you like)
Beat  the eggs, sugar  on medium speed until its fluffy, then add milk butter beat for another 3 minutes,  then Oil and vinegar...beat for another 3 minutes on medium speed. scrape down the bottom of the bowl then keep beating for another 3 minutes.... add the dry ingredient little by little until everything mix well then crank the speed on high for another 5 second  then ready to round mold  or to place on baking pan (if you making cake)....

Preheat the oven for 325 f-350 F (depend on latitude), Then bake the batter for 20 minutes (for the round molding)  and 30 minutes for the baking pan (cake)......

Let it cool ( for the pop cake)

Mean while make caramel by melting:
 1 cup of sugar
2 tbs of brown sugar
1 Tbs of butter

on high heat keep stir until its liquid beigh color (not brown).. then keep it in very low heat to warm.
Dip the inch tip of the stick pop in to the caramel sauce, then stick in to the cake mold (if already cool down)
then set a side.

Prepare to make the chocolate dip....melt the chocolate on the double boiler... when its melt, dip the cake pop on the melting chocolate.... and let it cool
Now its up to you... you going to decorated or just eat like that.( i just eat it like that, when the chocolate settled).... happy trying


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chicken Adobo (home made)

8-10 Half cut of small chicken breast 9 any part of the chicken you like)
1 Tbs black or white pepper corn (i prefer white)
half cup of light soya
1 Tbs of rice vinegar
3-4 bay leaf
2 thin slice ginger (chopped)
2-3 clove of garlic (slice thin)
1 shallot (sliced thin)
1 Can (1 in the half  cup, low sodium chicken broth) (I use Swanson brand)
1 Tbs store bought fried shallot (optional, to garnish the top, but it does makes it taste good too)
1-2 Tbs any veggie oil you have

Heat the skillet in medium high with the oil in it... then add your chicken in to it browned for 3-5 minutes then lower the heat picked the chicken  and put it on the side... in medium heat add the garlic, shallot, ginger, bay leaf, pepper corn .. let it cook for 3 minutes ( not browned) then add soy and chicketh  broth bring it to boil, then lower the heat, add the chicken in to the broth covered shimmer for 20 minutes in really low heat.
Just turn the chicken around once in a while.... 
served them with steam rice or brown rice  even couscous if you wish.....:)   Enjoy!!!!!

Sauteed Veggies

2 stack/ bunch bak choy/ any kind of choy veggie you have
3 Clove of Garlic ( sliced thin)
1 shallot (sliced thin)
2-3 slice of ginger (peeled and chopped)
1 Tbs of light soy
1 Tbs of Maggy  seasoning  ( you buy at asian market or walmart liquid in a bottle)
1 Tsp of pepper
1 Tbs of any oil you have even butter if you wish

Cut roughly 2 inch, separate the steam and the leaf...then washed off he durt by soaking in the water for minutes then moving around with your hand make sure their clean
Mean while Get ready with your skillet in medium heat.
add your  garlic, shallot, ginger sauteed for about 3 minutes (not browning) just when you smell something that makes you hungry, then you are ready to throw the steam first let it sit on skillet for 2 minutes then stir around cooked for another 5 minutes then add the leaf  and the liquid seasoning, stir a little Then leave it covered for 3-5 minutes (i prefer not to over cooked) stir before you turn of the stove.....
Then ready to eat ( for lunch i just add little steam rice with chicken adobo /any chicken dish/just eat it like that....its your choice ... happy trying its easy and quick...