Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Home made Bread Pudding

Bread Pudding

1 Cup of milk
1 Cup of heavy cream
2 Cup granulated sugar
1/2  Cup chopped pecan
1/2 Cup chopped walnut
1/4 Cup of raisin
5 Eggs
2 Tbs of vanilla extract
8 - 10 Slice of  Italian bread or french bread
1/2 Stick butter
1/2 Cup of Brown sugar

In big bowl  mix eggs and sugar, vanilla thenmix well using the hand beater (set it a side)
Cut the bread in to bite size and leave it out for one night (night before)
Add The bread in to mixing batter (eggs and sugar) then add the raisin mix until it blend together.
In the medium bowl mix the butter and brown sugar together using fork then add the chopped pecan and walnut.
Then sprinkle the mixing nuts, raisin, and sugar on top of of the eggs batter.

Preheat the oven on 350 f , bake it for 35 - 40 minutes or until set.

Brandy sauce

1/2 cup Brandy
1 Egg
1 Cup of  sugar
1 Cup of melting butter
1 Tbs vanilla

For the Brandy sauce

In medium low heat place the the pot , then add the melting butter and brown sugar and mix it well using fork add the vanilla , then add beaten egg to it  mix it well, then pour the brandy and  remove from the heat and keep stir it until it mix very well .  Pour on top of the bread pudding or serve in separately ...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Chocolate Velvet Cake Pop (home made)


2 Cup of purpose flour
2 Cup of sugar
2 Tbs of cocoa powder
1/3 Cup of warm coffee
3 Eggs yolk
1 Tsp of baking powder
1 Tsp of baking soda
1 Tsp white vinegar (mix with vinegar)
1/2 Cup of Veggie oil
1 Cup of milk
2 -3 Tbs of melted butter (mix with the milk)
1 - 2 Tbs of vanilla
1 tbs red food coloring
Mix the dry ingredient , flour, baking soda, baking powder, cocoa powder. (shifted if you like)
Beat  the eggs, sugar  on medium speed until its fluffy, then add milk butter beat for another 3 minutes,  then Oil and vinegar...beat for another 3 minutes on medium speed. scrape down the bottom of the bowl then keep beating for another 3 minutes.... add the dry ingredient little by little until everything mix well then crank the speed on high for another 5 second  then ready to round mold  or to place on baking pan (if you making cake)....

Preheat the oven for 325 f-350 F (depend on latitude), Then bake the batter for 20 minutes (for the round molding)  and 30 minutes for the baking pan (cake)......

Let it cool ( for the pop cake)

Mean while make caramel by melting:
 1 cup of sugar
2 tbs of brown sugar
1 Tbs of butter

on high heat keep stir until its liquid beigh color (not brown).. then keep it in very low heat to warm.
Dip the inch tip of the stick pop in to the caramel sauce, then stick in to the cake mold (if already cool down)
then set a side.

Prepare to make the chocolate dip....melt the chocolate on the double boiler... when its melt, dip the cake pop on the melting chocolate.... and let it cool
Now its up to you... you going to decorated or just eat like that.( i just eat it like that, when the chocolate settled).... happy trying


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Chicken Adobo (home made)

8-10 Half cut of small chicken breast 9 any part of the chicken you like)
1 Tbs black or white pepper corn (i prefer white)
half cup of light soya
1 Tbs of rice vinegar
3-4 bay leaf
2 thin slice ginger (chopped)
2-3 clove of garlic (slice thin)
1 shallot (sliced thin)
1 Can (1 in the half  cup, low sodium chicken broth) (I use Swanson brand)
1 Tbs store bought fried shallot (optional, to garnish the top, but it does makes it taste good too)
1-2 Tbs any veggie oil you have

Heat the skillet in medium high with the oil in it... then add your chicken in to it browned for 3-5 minutes then lower the heat picked the chicken  and put it on the side... in medium heat add the garlic, shallot, ginger, bay leaf, pepper corn .. let it cook for 3 minutes ( not browned) then add soy and chicketh  broth bring it to boil, then lower the heat, add the chicken in to the broth covered shimmer for 20 minutes in really low heat.
Just turn the chicken around once in a while.... 
served them with steam rice or brown rice  even couscous if you wish.....:)   Enjoy!!!!!

Sauteed Veggies

2 stack/ bunch bak choy/ any kind of choy veggie you have
3 Clove of Garlic ( sliced thin)
1 shallot (sliced thin)
2-3 slice of ginger (peeled and chopped)
1 Tbs of light soy
1 Tbs of Maggy  seasoning  ( you buy at asian market or walmart liquid in a bottle)
1 Tsp of pepper
1 Tbs of any oil you have even butter if you wish

Cut roughly 2 inch, separate the steam and the leaf...then washed off he durt by soaking in the water for minutes then moving around with your hand make sure their clean
Mean while Get ready with your skillet in medium heat.
add your  garlic, shallot, ginger sauteed for about 3 minutes (not browning) just when you smell something that makes you hungry, then you are ready to throw the steam first let it sit on skillet for 2 minutes then stir around cooked for another 5 minutes then add the leaf  and the liquid seasoning, stir a little Then leave it covered for 3-5 minutes (i prefer not to over cooked) stir before you turn of the stove.....
Then ready to eat ( for lunch i just add little steam rice with chicken adobo /any chicken dish/just eat it like that....its your choice ... happy trying its easy and quick...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Surabaya style Chocolate and Egg layer cake (Lapis surabaya)

Yellow layer:
100 G flour
10 Egg yolk +2 whites
150 G caster sugar
1 1/2 stick of butter (melted)
1-2 Tbs vanilla extract

Chocolate layer:
100 G cocoa powder
10 Egg yolk + 2 whites
150 caster sugar
1 1/2 stick of butter (melted)
1-2 Tbs of Vanilla extract

for filling:
1/2 cup or less strawberry or raspberry jam
1/2 cup whipped cream
Mix ingredient  above

do it separate batch

In The medium speed, mix the egg and the sugar until light and fluffy, then add vanilla extract  the flour / cocoa powder, then stir with spatula fast or on high speed for 5 second and quick add the melted butter, stir fast together until mix well

Heat the oven 350-375,  bake for 15-20 minutes....set a side till cool down then spread the mixing strawberry and whipped cream mix in between layer, then sliced as preferred...or trimed and decorated with whipped frosting to make a B day cake .....enjoy trying

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Creamy spicy Chicken Noodles Indonesian Style (Mie Ayam Santan Pedas)

1-2 lbs chicken thigh or Chicken Breast,  sauteed/ brown cooked, cut in to cube bite size, set a side
1 Packed of tofu sauteed untill brown all side, cut in to rectangular bite size, set a side
5 Boil eggs, peel and cut in to 1/4 , seet a side
1-2 lbs raw shrimp (peeled), marinate with salt, pepper, coriander powder then sauteed for 5-8 minutes until brown out side.
1-2 cup coconut milk
salt sugar for taste
1/2 Cup coconut water (optional) or just water
1 Packed of any noodles you have in your pantry , Boiled then strain the water set a side
1/2 lbs or less bean sprout, blenched then set a side

2 whole chilly padi
1 thumb size of gallangal 
2 shallot (sliced thin)
3 Garlic clove (sliced thin)
1 Stem of lemon grass (chopped/slice)
3 candle nut
1 Tbs Coriander seed 
1 Tsp of white/ black pepper corn
3 kafir lime leaf
3 Indonesian basil (optional)
1 Tbs of dried shrimp (optional)
5-10 Red chilly/ red pepper  (for color)
1 Tbs coconut oil (optional) or any veggie oil
1/2 Cup coconut water (optional) or just water

All ingredient below the star, sauteed with 2 Tbs spoon veggie oil, for 10-15 minutes or until brown. 
Then Add the Coconut water, cooked for another3 minutes then let it cool and grinder together with blender machine. Put it back in to a pot start cook for 2 minutes then add coconut milk ad water if you need to thin it. cook it until its boil , ad salt, sugar or pepper as you taste.  Then served see the picture below.  Enjoy!!!! add more chilly if you like caused I did...:)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Tilapia cooked in Italian style (Pesche di Fresca)

4-6 fillet tilapia store bought (fresh/frozen)
1 Pack of (preferred) Barilla pasta, any kind you like, Boil in salt water, Aldente
10-15 Cherry tomatoes, cut in half
2 Clove of garlic
1/4 Cup (handful) chopped of flat Parsley (italian parsley)
1/4 Cup (handful) chopped of italian basil
1/4 Cup (handful) chopped of cilantro (optional)
1 Lemon juices or more, as you like
Pinch of salt and pepper or as you taste
1-2 Tbs olive oil

Heat the large deep skillet on medium heat , cover the bottom with 1 tbs spoon of olive oil and 1/2 cup of water.
place the tilapia and garlic in 3-5 minutes turn the heat to low and add the half of basil, parsley, cilantro and add another cup in half of water ,cooked for 10 minutes (covered) or until the fish is tender, squirt the lemon , salt, pepper and add the rest of the ingredient and cooked for another 3 minutes, as you taste you can add more salt, pepper, lemon or even crust chilly pepper...:)  served on boiled pasta....Enjoy 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Rainbow creamy cupcakes and cream cheese frosting

The rainbow cupcakes:

2 1/4 Cup Flour shifted
1 1/4 Sugar
3 Tsp baking powder
1/2 Cup shortening 
1/2 Cup melted butter
3/4 Cup coconut milk
1 Cup of milk
2 Eggs
1 Tsp salt

Cream Cheese frosting:

1/2 Cup butter (room temperature)
300 Gram confection sugar 
1 Cup of Cream cheese
1 Pinch of salt
1 Tbs of coconut milk / milk 

Add in to mixing bowl  flour, sugar, baking powder shortening, coconut milk, mix together on medium speed then add  milk , scrape the bottom then mix again medium speed for 1 minutes, then scrape the bottom, add eggs then mix it on higher speed for 30 second. then stop. Separate  the batches as you like then add color as you like. then place in to cupcakes mold
set the oven for 350 and bake for 16 minutes.


combine together all the ingredient , mixed well until its creamy and stiff and shinning , then garnished with fresh raspberry ... enjoy !!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Curry Puff Pastry ( Kue Pastel Isi Kare Ayam)

Puff Pastry:
2 Cup of all purpose flour
1 Cup of chilled Butter (cut in to small square)
1 Tsp of salt
1/2 Cup chilled water

Curry Filling:
1 can of sweet corn
1 can of sweet peas
1 Cup of chopped onion
1 Cup of chopped cilantro
1 Cup of carrot
1/2 Tsp clove powder
2 Tbs curry powder / garam marsala powder
3-5 Tbs coconut milk
Pinch of pepper and sugar
1 Tsp of salt
3 Clove of garlic
1 Cup of chopped potatoes
1 Tsp Coriander seeds (roasted)
2 Cups of Shredded/ chopped chicken breast (boil or steam cooked) 
2 Tbs veggie oil
2 Tbs flour mix with water (stir it well)

Top Brush for the pastry:
1 Egg beat real good ( set it a side)

1 Step : make the filling
Heat the deep skillet over medium heat, add coriander seeds, garlic, onion, saute for 5 minutes. then add the carrots, potatoes, cook for another 5 minutes or until tender.
Then add the rest of ingredient , except the coconut milk  and flour in water.  and taste ... cook for another 10 minutes until everything combine well , then add coconut milk , stir well and taste one more time.
last but not least add the flour mix, stir well , until the curry thick.  let it cook for another 3-4 minutes, then let it cool.  while making the pastry

2nd step:  Make the pastry dough
in food processor mix the flour and the butter, while you running the machine  add the water little by little , until the  dough mix well and shape like ball ( rough dough) ..then at flour surface rolled the dough gently in to smooth ball dough, then let it rest in refrigerator for 25-30 minutes.  then rolled the dough flat then folded in to a book then rolled again, repeat this for 4-5 times rolled. until the dough not stick to the surface anymore.
then rolled flat and cut it using the round cookie cutter.   

then start folding the filling in to the dough,  then brush the top dough before place it in the oven.
First 10 minutes take off the puff pastry then brush for the second time on top of the pastry, the put it back in the oven until its done.

set the Oven 350F  for 25 - 30 minutes.....enjoy!!!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thai spicy mint chicken salad (Larb Gai)

1-2 Lbs minced chicken or turkey
3 Lime juices
1 Tbs rice vinegar
1 Tbs soy sauce
1 Tbs fish sauce
1 Pinch pepper and sugar
1/2 Cup chopped Mint leaf
1/2 Cup chopped of spring onion
1/2 Cup chopped of cilantro
1 clove of garlic
1/4 Cup of roasted ground peanut (option)
1 Big red onion slice thin
1 Ice berg  ( 1/2 for garnish ) 1/2 chopped to mix
2 Green chilly  slice thin (option or as you taste)

Mix in to big bowl : lime juice, vinegar, onion, soy, fish sauce, pepper, cilantro everything except the chicken
Then whisked together , set it a side
Cooked the minced chicken in to deep skillet on medium heat... keep minced with spatula while cook.
when it cook or little light brown remove from the heat then add in to a big bowl where the mixing ingredien you make earlier...then mix it while its hot... serve right a way .... I prefer to eat it with steam white rice, or just the salad...Awesome!!!!  No oil require 


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Adobo Tuna salad on Hot Dog Bun

1 Can chunk tuna in water
1 Cup Chopped romaine lettuce
1 Tbs adobo paste
1 tsp ketchup
1/4 Cup chopped baby pickles 
1/4 Cup Light mayonise
1 pinch salt and pepper
1 Sweet onion (chopped)
1 Tbs grated parmigiana cheese
Combine all the ingredient above
Toast the bun.
And ready to serve as picture above or you can use tortila instead ...rolled its worth to try and healthy 

I am still cooking :)

 I have off long time from my Blogg
I have so much going on right now, i promise as soon as i have settled everything i will post some new recipe on here...
Its so much going on, the house being rented and we are moving...its just took my mind and time right now.

I post this to let you all know that i a still cooking
We have guess last week and i make a Indonesian ( beef Rendang) and Thai dish ( thai basil chicke) for them and this time i served with store bought flat bread
I promise i will post the recipe for you all.
Thank you I really appreciate for to still look and checking on my blogg, and i think you all know .

Love you all

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Saute Sweet Soy Pork

2 Lbs Bite size cut fillet pork loin 
Half sweet Onion slice
1/4 Cup sweet soy
1 Tbs light soy
1 Tbs black or white pepper
1 pinch of salt (as your taste)
1 Tsp lime juice
1 Pinch of sugar
1 Tbs of veggie oil
2 clove of garlic

Combine all the ingredient above and marinated the pork for at least 2 hour. 
Heat the skillet over medium heat , then add the oil 
Cook the marinated pork for 10 minutes then cover cook for another 2 minutes then remove from the heat.
Serve with white rice like the picture shown above and garnish with slice of lime.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Olive Chicken in Tomato Capers Sauce.

In this dish i like to use the thigh chicken fillet, caused add more flavor to my simple dish, start with

4-6 store bought fillet chicken thigh  (or you can use breast part cut in to half)
1 Can black olive
1 Store bought can tomato sauce (i prefer using Tutto Roso inexpensive and better texture and flavor)
1 Tsp dried /fresh oregano
1 Tsp thyme (dried/fresh)
2 bay leaf
Salt and pepper for taste
1 Tsp chilly flakes
1-2 In oil anchovies (optional)
1 Tbs of capers
2 Tbs olive oil

Heat the deep skillet on high heat add  olive oil. add the chicken 5 minutes each side covered.
Then add all ingredient above then covered for another 5-8 minutes remove from heat then serve as picture shown bellow.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Light Curry Basil Chicken with veggies

3-6 Chicken breast fillet cut in bite size
1/4 Cup of store bought red curry paste
1/4 Cup of coconut milk
2 Hands full Thai basil leaf
Thumb size peel and clean gallangal roots
5 Lime leaf sliced it thin
1 Tbs lime juices
1 Pinch of sugar and salt, as you taste
Half onion, sliced it thin
3 Cloves of garlic chopped
2-3 Bell pepper, sliced it thin
1-2 Lbs asparagus cut in to bite size
4 Potatoes peel and clean , cut in to bite size
2 Tbs oil + 2 tbs
1-2 Cup of water

Cut the chicken in to bite size then marinated with the curry paste and coconut milk for 2 hour or over night.
Saute the cut potatoes with oil until it gets little brown color, then set it a side
Heat the pot on medium then add the oil
Add the slice onion and garlic for 2 minutes then add the marinated chicken cook for 10 minutes then add the veggies in to the pot, add water then cook for another 3-5 minutes add the basil then cover quickly remove from the heat. Then serve with or without steam rice.

Bacon Cheddar Serrano/Jalapeno Biscuits

2 Cups all purpose flour
1 Tsp of baking powder
1 Tsp of baking soda
1 egg
1 Stick of unsalted butter (I use Land O Lake)
1 Cup of shred cheddar cheese (I use Kraft)
1/4 Cup of parmigiana cheese (always Kraft)
1 Tbs of dried oregano
1/2 Cup of cooked chopped bacon/ panceta
1/4 Cup of chopped serrano/ jalapeno chilly
1 Pinch of salt and sugar
1 Tbs of sour cream (I love Cabot Vermont)
1 Cup of milk (I like Crowley)

Mix the milk, sour cream and egg slightly beat it, set a side.
Mix the cheeses with sifted flour, baking powder and baking soda.
When it combine well add the cool butter in to mix flour and Mix with your finger tips (food processor)
until the dough crumble then add the mixing milk, egg and, sour cream
Then mix it well.

Heat the oven 450F  layer parchment paper in to baking sheet.
Mold the dough with the ice cream scoop then place it in to baking sheet , then slightly  press gently with your 3 finger.
Then bake it for 15 minutes.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Creamy Spicy Chayote soup with Shrimp

This dish is my old time favorites, my mother often make it at home we call it Sayur labuh (chayote soup)
This typical fruit its very common for sauteing or 
soup or even for wonton filling. 
But in My house my mom always make it with coconut milk and alots of red chilly and chilly padi to make it spicy and  we always eat with steam rice, you can put anything in beside Chayote, such as chicken, beef, or seafood.
I am gonna start with:

2 Chayote fruits (labuh siam) peeled and cut length wise 
3 Big red chilly any kind (seedless) or red peppers
5 Clove of garlic
2 Of chilly padi
1Thumb size gallangal roots (lengkuas)
1 Tbs Coriander powder
3 Bulb Shallot (baawang merah)
1 Tsp of shrimp paste (Trasi/belacan)
2 Square tofu/ bean curd (cut in to square bite size)
2 Cup coconut milk
3 Cup of water
1 Pack of  store bought peeled shrimp (saute in 1 tbs of butter for 3-5 minutes)  then set a side

Grind all the ingredients above except the chayote and coconut milk and the shrimp.
Saute the tofu with 1 Tbs of veggie oil in medium heat for 5 minutes then add the grind ingredient in to it saute for another 5 minutes, add the chayote stir a little than add the coconut milk, cook for 10 minutes, add water, cook until it boil then add the shrimp, remove from the heat. 
Ready to serve, squeeze 1/4 lime or lemon then garnish with cilantro and lime if you like.  
It's also one of my Family classic dish..... its really good memory, enjoy everyone. 

Raspberry Mocha Frosting Black Forrest Cake

11/2 Cup flour
1 Cup cocoa powder
1 stick of sweeten butter 
6 Eggs
1 Tbs vanilla
1 Cup sugar
150 Gram melted chocolate let it cool
1 Tbs baking powder

Heat the oven in 350f
Beat the butter and sugar until creamy , add the eggs 1 at the time, then vanilla keep beating it until its really creamy and thick then add mix sifted flour, baking powder and cocoa powder.
mix until it combine well then add the chocolate melted , stir with spatula remove from the beating machine.
Spray the 9 in baking pan with nonstick spray, sprinkle little flour to it then pour the batter, bake for 35-40 minutes. 

1 Small jar store bought raspberry/cherry jam
1/4 Cup of spiced rum
2 Tbs of sugar

Cook all the item above in low heat until evaporate (10 minutes)
Let it cool set a side

1 stick of butter
3 Cup of powdered sugar/convection sugar 
1 Tbs of vanilla
1 Tsp of Spiced rum (optional)
1 Cup of hot cocoa instant powder
200 Gram melted chocolate and let it cool (before you mix it)
1/4 Cup corn syrup
2 Tbs of liquids whipped cream

Room temperature butter beat it slowly add little by little powdered sugar in to it, beat in high once in a while. until the sugar and butter well mix then add the rest of the ingredients, and keep beating until it smooth frosting, set a side

When the cake are cool down, cut the cake in half (horizontal)
Then add the filling to it then put the cake back in to 1 piece
Then decorate the cake as you like with the frosting...or as picture shown , (need whole cherry's or raspberry's for decoration). Add the remaining filling as syrup underneath the slice of heaven cake....awesome!!!! it is the winner.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Chicken Turmeric lime soup ( Soto Ayam )

As I promise you that I will write to you for those ingredients of my good and yummy food, I will start with Soto Ayam (tumeric, lemongrass chicken soup).
And I think I did make it easier on this recipe, 

1-2 Lbs Chicken breast ( seasoning w salt and and steam it for 5 minutes..this only in my recipe)  
Cut in to small bite size or shredded  it

Mean while, for the broth we need:
(Grind together all the ingredient bellow except spring onion and celery leaf)
1-2 Tbs coriander seeds
Thumb size peel and clean ginger
5 whole roasted macadamia nut 
3 Shallot
5 Clove of Garlic
1 stem of lemongrass chopped fine+ 2 cut in half for later
    ( ready broth)
3 spring onion chopped 
2 Thumb size turmeric, peel and clean
1 thumb size galangal roots
4 Lime lime leaf +2 leaf for later ( ready broth)
1 lime juice
1 Cup loosely pack of celery leaf.
1 Tbs of salt or as you taste

Then saute on big pot, for 2-4 minutes then add ( 1 box chicken broth + the remain lime leaf and lemongrass)
Cook for another 5 minutes then add the chicken, spring onion and celery.
then cook for another 5 minuter then add fried shallot and garlic, store bought if you have in your pantry.

Remove the heat still cover for another 5 minutes then serve with steam rice or just like that .and you can add edible garnish in to your soup, such as: potato chips, cook glass noodle, boil egg, and fried shallot  as shown in the picture.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Husband B-Day Today

Yes today is My husband B-Day and yes i am exhaustic....But I will still sit here and share with you , what I've had to make for his B-Day, as His wish:
Soto  Ayam, Pineapple upside down cake. snowing black forrest cake, Buffalo grill chicken wing, BBQ pork and chicken, Indonesian sambal Soto, Creamy blue chesse dipping....all you can think of.
Yes it's a long day, but since I am enjoying cooking i am not complaining.
I have done it with love and there it this you will find out the recipe as I show you the picture first for now...I hope You ' all understand that my finger and my eyes almost giving up ...Mean i am really tired and sleepy.
Oh Wait the minutes I think I post the pineapple upside sown already.
But I promise you as soon as I wake up tomorrow I will finish writing and sharing my recipe B-day with you all.
For now Good night everyone and have good night....ZZzzzzzzzzzz

Monday, April 16, 2012

Pineapple Upside Down cake

3 Cup of flour
2 Cup of sugar
8/10 Slice of pineapple
1 Cup Chopped pineapple
2 Stick of butter
1 Tbs vanilla extract
2 Tsp baking powder
8 Cheery
1 Pinch of salt
1 Cup of milk (I am using coconut milk)
3/4 Cup brown sugar

Melt the half stick of butter, and pour all over the brown sugar that already in baking pan (spray with nonstick)
Place the Pineapple on top of brown sugar.
Meanwhile, beat sugar and remaining butter until it fluffy then add egg 1 at the time, then milk and vanilla extract.
beat until for about 5 minutes then add the the mix sifted of flour, baking powder and salt gradually and beat for another 5 minutes.  Add the pineapple chopped in to the batter mix it with spatula.
Then pour on top of pineapple that lay in baking pan then bake for 30-40 minutes in 350f.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Garlic Parmigiana Spinach top with Herb Butter Scallop on Basil Tomato Cous cous

***For the grill scallop:
10-15 Sea scallop
3 Tbs herb butter (store bought or home made)
1 Pinch salt and pepper 
1 Cup chicken broth
1 Tbs of bacon fat ( for brushing the grill surface) 

Pouch the scallop in all the ingredients above (except the bacon fat) on really low heat for 10 minutes and set it a side 
(cool it down)
Then using the bacon fat then brush over the top grilled (place the top grilling on medium heat), when it sizzle... then start grilling.
For 3 minutes each side the scallop. 

DON'T  throw the remaining sauce after will need it to drizzle on top of you scallop at the end.....bringing to boil before you using for drizzle ...... 

***For the garlic spinach:
1-2 pack store bought spinach
 ( boil until it little tender, DON"T over cook it)
5 clove of garlic
1/2 Cup of grated parmigiana cheese
1 Pinch of salt and pepper
2 Tbs chopped parsley
1 Tbs of butter

Place the butter on over medium heat skillet.
Then start adding the garlic, salt, pepper, parsley, then add spinach.
Cook for about 5 minutes until it all combine, then add the cheese (leave a little bit for garnish)
Then taste can add anything you like on your taste.

***For the Tomato basil cous cous:
1 Box of Instan cous cous (300 gram)
500 Ml of chicken broth
10 Of sweet baby tomatoes
1/2 cup basil chopped (leaf only)

when the chicken broth are boil add the basil, tomatoes and the cous cous, stir it , then cook for another 5 minutes cover.
Turn the heat off but still cover for another 5 minutes.

Then serve together as the picture shown ..... we love it.

Mushroom Chicken Noodles with BBQ Pork

300  Gram any egg noddles (fresh or dry)
100 Gram of bak choy and chopped to bite size.

Boil those 2 item above for 8-10 minutes, in different pot than the broth pot.

For the mushroom chicken topping :

1  Lbs of chicken breast fillet ( boil/ steam and cut in to small pieces)
200  Gram any mushroom (I prefer umbrella mushroom)
2 Tbs of oyster sauce
2 Tbs of char siu sauce
1/2 Cup chicken broth
1 Pinch of salt and pepper, garlic powder
1 Tsp of sugar
1 Tbs of light soy

Place little pot on medium high, put the mushroom and leave it in the pot until the remaining water gone. 
Add chicken broth cook it for 5 minutes then add all the ingredients above also the chicken.
And cook until the water is reduce (15 minutes)
Then set a side for serving later on.

The Soup/ Broth
1-2 Dry shitake mushroom (slice thin)
2 box Store bought or home made chicken broth (low sodium)
1 Tbs of salt
1 Pinch of pepper
1/2 Cup chopped spring onion (scallion)
1 Thin slice of ginger/ 1 tsp ginger powder
2 Tbs sesame oil

Meat balls to complete looks of the

Cook all the ingredients above together in big pot on medium heat.
Approx 10 minutes, the turn the heat down very low 
    ( leave it for ready serve)
when its all ready to serve, place all you want or you can see the  picture.
serve around 6 to 8 person
Enjoy trying everyone and thank you for stop by.

BBQ Pork

1 Lbs pork loin ( slice thin)
3 Tbs of store bought char siu sauce (Chinese style bbq sauce)
1 Tbs of maggi seasoning
2 Tbs of oyster sauce
1 Tbs of soy sauce
1 Tbs of sweet soy
1 Tbs of  sugar
1Tsp of roasted sesame seed
1 Tsp of pepper

Combine all the ingredients above and leave the pork marinated for at least 2 hours (over night would be better)
 And ready to cook I used stove top grilled , its fine.
You can eat with anything... its so good. and you dont have to do take out Chinese food....its all about trying !!!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Kolak (Sweeten coconut milk and pandan soup)

I want to share some of good memory of my childhood dessert that my mom always make it every weekend.
Now that so many franchise fast food and dessert, those good memory fade away and I find it very rear that this year generation is know this dessert, its very simple and cheap, that's must be why my Mom always make this every weekend, caused they can afford it  back in the day.
We will need:

200 Gram cassava
200 Gram sweet potato (Japanese yam)
200 Gram yellow pumpkin
200 Gram taro
50   Gram of candy palm (palm sugar)/ gula jawa

Boil all the ingredients above, approx 5 to 7 minutes, then set a side 
250-300 Ml  of water
1   Cup of sugar
1   Pinch of salt
1  Can store bought coconut milk
3  Pandan leaf  (you can find at any Asian store,frozen veggies isle)

Place a big pot over medium heat, add the water, sugar, candy palm, pandan leaf, salt.
Cook until it boil then add the fruits or veggies.
Boil for another 5 minutes then add the coconut milk and wait until it boil one more time, then remove from the heat.
Serve hot/ warm it very good and comforting  for winter day its serving for 6 to  person....happy try!!!!!